Is there an adult in the room?



Jokes, it’s me. You’re probably an adult as well but I can’t guarantee that.

When I graduate university in 2016, I was not ready for Adulthood™. I had been in formal schooling for 18 years at that point and the structure worked well for me — classes had a syllabus, schedule, learning objectives, and a teacher.

Look at the terror in those eyes.

Life outside of school is a lot messier. Learning how to be an adult is DIY-XTREME armed with nothing except everything I have and a working internet connection. What other project takes a person their entire lives to master? None.

Going from high-achieving student to mediocre graduate was not a good feeling. Whatever version of success you subscribe to, I was not succeeding.

So I did something about it.

I read a bunch on Google, watching a lot on Youtube, and then clinical-trialled it on myself. Whatever it took, I was going to learn how to be a better adult. I WAS GOING TO BE A BETTER PERSON.

Follow along on the blog as I work my way through the four big areas of my life:

  • Financial health
  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Personal growth/experiences.
A picture of me at graduation with the baby emoji photoshopped over my face.
Still terrified, but now I’m on a mountain.

Adulthood isn’t linear, and it sure isn’t easy, but a burden shared is a burden halved, and joy shared is joy multiplied. This is the kind of applied mathematics we can all get behind 👏👏👏

P.S. I’m an expat math teacher in China so any combination of those character traits is going to show up occasionally.