This week in teaching

High lights

  • I continue to have better lesson plans
  • Last week before the month-long holiday AND Friday is a half day!
  • Started meal prepping again. The cost of eating takeout here is comparable to the cost of buying and cooking the food myself but I like the motions of cooking, and it’s probably healthier if not necessarily better tasting.
  • Had staff dinner for my principal’s birthday, was amazing, I love my colleagues.
  • Have news of a potential pay raise for next year, yay!*
  • Tax forms came in so I can send money back to Canada.*
  • Student council made dumplings and invited us to make/eat some with them! What a time to be alive. Here’s a couple of anonymous ultra high-quality photos 🙂
  • Colleague’s class made pancakes on the last day and I got to steal some.

Low lights
  • None! I actually struggled to think of bad things that went wrong, but to be honest, I was stretching. Not having the perfect shade of coloured chalk available is super inconsequential.
  • The holiday isn’t here sooner? That’s pretty whiney of me considering I get a month off.
  • I guess the hot water in my apartment building was shut off but I just went over to a friend’s place.
Fantastic week. Any pains were minor and I don’t even remember them in reflection.

This week in strange translations.

*I have this wild plan to retire in my 30s so this might shave a year off of my working career. I’m putting all disposable income into index funds and maybe I’ll eventually write something about what I’m doing.