This Week in Teaching

High lights:

  • First cooking club meeting
  • Met new students for semester 2! I think this is what other people feel when they receive presents.
  • Re-worked semester 1 lesson plans to be better and the kids got it faster!
  • Cooked dinner and lunch at home more! I cook so rarely now due to various factors so it’s nice to be back in the cooking routine.
  • Climbed stairs to my 11th-floor apartment every time.
  • Had every new student do a locker cleanout and cleaned the classroom as well.
Low lights:
  • Hot water was shut off in the apartment so I had a very very icy shower. It’s done wonders for my hair though.
  • Ongoing photocopier issues has forced me to be very creative with my teaching.
I’m hoping to do one of these reflections once a week as a way to remind myself of all the great things I love about teaching. After doing this one, I realised that the low lights are really not that big of a deal in hindsight. I’m going to take that with me when I experience challenges again in the future.