This week in teaching

High lights

  • Thank goodness I bought adventure sports travel insurance coverage.
  • Got to add more stickers to my laptop 😀
  • Feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the new semester!
  • Got to sleep at the airport for a night! It’s certainly a new experience and saved at least $40 in hotel fees.
A caterpillar ready to emerge as a butterfly.

Low lights

  • Vacation is over! But also glad it’s done because seeing how much I spent hurts me haha.
  • Sprained my knee quite badly on the second last day of my vacation but it’s not terrible. I’ll get to match knee braces with another injured colleague.
It was delightfully swollen.


I’m mildly anxious about starting work again that’s from a combination of nervous about teaching a new course and just not looking forward to 12 hour days again. I must keep in mind though of the benefits I do receive while working here and that it’s a tradeoff I’m willing to take at this stage of my life.

Bonus picture:

This was inside the women’s washroom at the Seoul airport. Japan’s toilets are 2019, Korea’s washrooms are 3019. Canadian toilers are 1019.