The month in review: June 2019

Spendings Report

Spendings are through the roof from a combination of 3 things

  1. End of year trips and farewell parties
  2. Moving costs and renewing all my various government IDs/visas
  3. I’m on vacation mode, bless summers

It’s a little too soon to say for sure what my monthly budget would be going forward but it looks like it will be hovering around $1,000 per month.

Net Worth Update

I’m now less poor! I’ve also hit my target goal of $50k and in surpassed it to be worth just over $60k! Woohoo! The downside is I won’t be paid until September when school starts up again.

New goal based on adjusted income and education costs: $90k in net worth by this time next year.

High Lights

  • Went to see Godzilla: King of the Monsters 😀 😀 😀 this was my Asian childhood but with Hollywood budget!
  • Finished ALL marking for the year YES!
  • Had a few lessons to teach kids “life” skills and it was lovely just talking with the class on something nobody is getting marked on.
  • Slept 9 hours every day for a week straight, felt really good.
  • Started a couple of online courses I’ve been meaning to take since forever.
  • Staff dinner at the best Italian restaurant in town 😉
  • Finished relocating to the new school, omg moving is a pain and a half
  • Broke my $50k net worth goal :))
  • Dyed my hair grey balayage, need purple shampoo haha
  • I’m back in Canada!
  • Successfully moved stuff into the new apartment! The tech and convenience in China is INCREDIBLE. There’s a uber for moving vans!
  • Getting back into a running routine, feels great.
  • Insurance form processed quickly
  • Visa transfer moving along smoothly
  • Surpassed $60k net worth!
  • My god, I have missed the fresh air in Canada so much, just heavy breathing wherever I go
  • The weather has been AMAZING this week, sunny and a little cloudy but breezy and cool.


June is that weird nebulous month where teaching content is mostly over, but you still have school. Instead of teaching math, I got students to submit anonymous questions based on a variety of topics and I did my best to answer them truthfully.

It was very rewarding to see all my seniors graduate but also bittersweet to leave my school. A lot of my colleagues live near me in Canada but I know it will be a while until I see them again.

I’m back in Canada for my summer vacation and my spendings sure reflect it, haha! I’ve forgotten what beautiful clean air smells like so I’m making as much of it as I can while I’m here. It’s been amazing seeing friends again and catching up a year’s worth of life updates.

Hope your summer is off to a good start and I’ll see you in the next post 😉


  1. Hi! I’ve found you through A Purple Life 🙂 It’s interesting how you guys post your monthly spendings, maybe I’ll do one sometime to see where I am wasting that monay. Love how the expenditure on clothes is 0 whereas the education cost is high – I also try to spend more on personal development stuff.

    1. Hello! Thanks for dropping by! Personal development is quite addictive, once you start you want to keep going haha.
      I definitely encourage tracking (and posting so I can read 😛 ) your monthly spendings. 80% of the costs come from 20% of items 😉

      1. Ooooh yay you’ve visited my post! Haha thank you 🙂 Btw have you heard of this site called Feedly? It basically puts all the blogs that you follow in one spot, and notify you when someone has a new post. I tried searching for your blog as well, but you don’t seem to be an active user – just sharing in case you didn’t know! 🙂 Or if you don’t mind me asking, how do you keep track of all your fav blogs? I’ve always been on YouTube, so this world of blogging is new to me..

        1. Better (months late) than never reply to this, was not notified there was a reply!
          To answer: I subscribe via email to blogs directly and check my emails once a day or I go to the blogs directly. I figure if I don’t remember to visit them much then I clearly don’t care enough.

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