The month in review: October 2019

Spending Report: 674.79

Here’s what it looks like without the savings rate. There’s an increase of roughly $30 from August which seems inconsequential, but I fear a slippery slope situation where I keep on letting things slide and then suddenly I’m only saving $1000 every month (!!!).

Yes, yes, boohoo, worried about saving only 85% of my income, but you’re reading the blog of someone who makes budget charts for fun so what do you expect?

I didn’t do a good job of keeping track of my expenses in September, but they were quite high as well — I bought tickets etc. for a small weekend getaway and my Christmas holiday to Thailand. I’m going to keep a closer eye on my spendings in November.

3 maint categories that get me: eating out, leisure, and clothing. I don’t expect eating out to increase hugely, there’s only so much I can eat after all. Clothing is not something to be overly concerned with either, I’m quite picky. But leisuurreeee, there’s so many fun things to do! And my leisure activities often include trips to fancy groceries or IKEA (the devil’s den I tell ya!), or taxi rides into Beijing. It would be too easy to slip into more taxi rides instead of public transit or more restaurants instead of the school canteen.

November’s Plan: cut out the taxi rides, buy decorations and invite people to eat at my place instead.

Net Worth Update: 67,461

Coming along swimmingly! It’s going as I expected, and I’m looking forward to when I have a year’s worth of data to do run a longer-term analysis on my finances 🙂

High Lights

  • Demo class went very well!
  • Students are all settled into their classroom routines
  • Bought so much delicious cheese
  • Found a great Japanese restaurant
  • Made new friends
  • Ran 10k in 62:33!!!
  • Regularly running 5k
  • Got some nice teacher’s day gifts 🙂
  • Fancy white tea
  • Bought a great moon wall sticker
  • Met new friends
  • Discovered new foods
  • Slept 7-8 hours every night (truly amazing)
  • Got a super fluffy bathrobe
  • New workout gear