December 2020 spendings, 2757

Finance Review: December 2020

Happy new year everyone! May 2021 be the best year for all of us yet!

In one month, it’ll be the 2-year anniversary of when I first opened a TFSA and RRSP, how nostalgic *sheds tear*. I’ll do a more comprehensive review of my finances for the past 2 years and see if there are any trends I notice, with at least 50% more charts thatnobodyaskedforyay!

For now, let’s see how I bullied my wallet this month 🙂

Spendings Report: $2,757

The biggest one-time spend was my tuition for this semester calling in at $1127. It’ll be interesting going back into it after 2 semesters off and reflecting on if it is something I actually want.

Leisure spending was off the charts, the median amount I spend on leisure is $100 and this month I managed to spend more than 10x that. If we’re discussing the average then this month is 4x my average. The biggest two factors:

  • I made an effort to spend more time with friends. In the most festive time of year. #yolonofomo
  • A week-long trip to Xi’an. A separate post follow at some point…or never. I would make a terrible travel blogger, I’m sorry.

Does 10x the spendings = 10x the fun? Hard to quantify fun but I certainly felt like it was money well spent.

Net Worth Update: $138,411

In a previous post I said my goal for this (school) year is to surpass $150k in net worth and it looks like I’m right on track. Realistically I believe I can reach $160k but I’m cautious about how the markets will fluctuate. $165k would be my stretch goal.

I’m leaning more and more towards the idea of taking anywhere from 6months to a year off after the next school year. I want to travel around China, learn more Chinese, and then see friends in other parts of the world. Uncertain how that will play out in these covid climates but this isn’t a burning desire by any means so I can wait. I would like to knock out more countries than I’ve had birthdays before I turn 30 however.

In 2021, I would be happy if I can just go back to Canada and then return to China without a 3-week quarantine both ways.