April 2021 spendings

Finance Review: April 2021

Watch me fling myself off a wall then not fling myself off a wall.

Spendings Report: $2,214

Pretty good month! If we ignore the tuition cost my spendings are a touch over $1k and I’m quite pleased about it.

Bought a lot of clothes and clothing-related items this month. Item-wise, it was an even split between I-actually-need-this and retail-therapy. Numbers-wise, 90% of the costs were for things I did need (or maybe I’m just justifying it :). I replaced a few worn-out work shirts, old shoes, and tailored some pants instead of getting new ones.

Bouldering continues to be my largest leisure cost, it has been SO GOOD, all caps. Here are two videos of me attempting the same problem 1 week apart. Next time I go, I’ll get another one with an even better beta if it’s still there.

The one where I flung myself off the wall.

I tried both feet up for this one vv and managed to hold on.

What do you mean, I always stand like this casually.

The same day I started writing this I sent in my tax returns to the CRA and found out I’ll owe them more than $2k. Super fun. Pay your taxes guys, we all benefit from public goods and services. Feel free to complain after though.

Update*** I paid my taxes and technically it was on May 1, China time so that’s gonna go on next month’s report. Tuition and taxes in one month hurts my wallet and my feelings. (Truthfully, it’s because I’m lazy and don’t want to re-do all the charts to reflect the change).

Net Worth Update: $164,036

I’m going to leave the exact numbers off of it from now on, the chart speaks for itself I think. I’m pretty confident I will reach $170k by the end of this school year. It may not stay there for long, summer vacation is coming up, and I will be travelling south to visit my family.

My hope for the next school year is to reach $230k and then seriously start planning for a sabbatical year. It is my goal to go to more countries than I’ve had birthdays and I will be 28 this year with 22 countries so far. I would like to reach this goal before I’m 30 but it’s really a life-long project.

I’m no closer to figuring out what I want to do with my life. If my savings do really well I will…hire someone else to clean my tiny apartment? Upgrade my 2nd hand bike? Buy a top-of-the-line rice cooker?

I welcome any quality-of-life upgrades/purchases you would recommend.