Finance Review: December 2021

Hello from 2022!

Near the end of every year the last class will inevitably be filled with “see you next year, miss!” jokes and I love it every time, hahaha!

Spendings Report: $2,112

What a nice palindrome number, 2112.

What I’m most surprised by is that even with it being tuition month I only spent $800 more than usual. It’s probably because my school loves to overwork us and took away Christmas break this year. And Covid means we can’t travel anywhere…

I had a lovely Christmas and NYE, either way, spent it with family and friends in person or online. Really leaning into the JOMO and grandma vibes here.

Interesting bit of data: this spike of visitors near the end of the month, probably to check if I’ve posted my monthly update yet. I appreciate it, it’s nice to know people know my posting schedule haha, thanks for stopping by!

I’ll do my best to make a vlog in 2022 to provide some exciting content other than my budget excel spreadsheets. The apartment block where foreign teachers live is being demolished and I’ll be moving! I want to document this little dorm that I’ve lived in for three years and show you guys around a bit 🙂

That could be my new thing to try in 2022, making a video!

Or finally make that “28 photos for my 28th year” post 🙃🙃🙃

Net Worth Update: over $200k!


Looking at the graph, it looks likely (but not guaranteed) that I will hit my goal of $250k by the end of this school year.

Currently, I don’t have anything in mind for the extra savings that are not going into investments. That’s not to say I have somehow achieved serenity with myself and have no want of material things, it’s that I’ll be moving quite a bit in the next year and don’t want to cart stuff around.

The school is putting us up in a temporary building for a few months, then into a new set of teacher’s dorms. AND, I might move out of Beijing in another year, so buying large items I’ll need to ship is a no-go. Already I’m getting a headache thinking about what I’ll do with my new electric bike…

I feel like I should buy something to celebrate, but that’s the capitalist indoctrination speaking. Maybe I’ll just put everything towards making my sabbatical year as awesome as possible. Just imagine the crazy amount of travelling and exploring I’ll do once international travel opens up again!

Anyways, it’s past this grandma’s bedtime so good night, I’ll see you guys next year! 😆