Finance Review: February 2022

One of my students said to me “Miss, we’re living through stuff that will be in the history books,” and, yeah. That’s all I’m gonna say about it. I do what I can on my end, and you do what you can on your end.

Spendings Report: $2,221

Top 2 purchases this month in descending order:

  1. $600: New jacket! Finally, I’ve been looking for a jacket for months much to the suffering of my friends who accompany me on my jacket hunting trips. No pictures sadly, it’s a little too cold for it still.
  2. $400: A new laptop for my parents that I bought with my sister. They’ve had the old one for 14 years! FOURTEEN! It’s older than most of my students! My sister, who built her own desktop, picked one out for them and I’ve heard they’re quite happy with it.

If we ignore these two purchases the rest of my spending looks pretty much as I’d expect. I’m in the process of upgrading bits and bobs of my wardrobe now though so that category will be bigger than before.

Teachers have finished moving into the new temporary hotel rooms which have no kitchens, and so the school is catering three meals a day for us. I’m generally not picky about food and even less picky about free food so this works out extremely well for me. It doesn’t hurt that my lunch and grocery costs will be near $0 for the next few months aside from some occasional snacks or fruit.

The next couple of months will be quite spendy as well so I’m gonna try to cut back on eating out during work nights and taking Didi’s instead of the subway. Tax season coming very soon and then it’s time for tuition again.

Net Worth Update: gently upwards

Not much to say, you can see how current events have impacted the economy and it reflects on the graph.

Next month I think is the 3rd year anniversary of this blog so I’ll aim to finish the video of my old apartment as a nice little milestone marker 🙂