Finance Review: September 2022

A friend introduced me to Ozzyman Reviews this month and I would like to show you this video that exactly describes how I feel like I’m doing.

That’s right, I’ve upgraded from the strugglebus to the struggleplane.

Spendings Report: $1,764

I feel like I’ve achieved a good balance now between loosening the reigns on my wallet and still being financially responsible. Balance in the other parts of my life will be left unmentioned.

I have been applying to other jobs to get a feel for what’s out there, and finding out that where I am now is pretty nice. Why I bring this up is, guys, it takes so much MONEY to change jobs. For my field, reputable schools usually use paid-for databases that you gain access to on an annual basis. On-going professional development is also costly if you want to keep yourself marketable not to mention the time it takes to attend these things. If it’s an in-person interview then the travel and time cost of going to that interview is also real, plus the time needed to interview prep, a good 50% of my travel costs this month is interview related. I feel a lot of sympathy and empathy for anyone that’s had to change jobs, I am quite privileged with my life circumstances right now and I still feel like it’s throwing other parts of my life out of wack.

There are a few random health issues cropping up, but I’m…handling them I guess. They’re not going to be as costly as the dental stuff last month thankfully, just annoying.

I talked myself out of getting a new bicycle for the bike gang that’s been newly formed at my school. I LOVE cycling around but for my fitness level right now I won’t be needing it.

Net Worth Update: recession

I generally stay away from the news so I’m not sure if the powers-that-be have confirmed that we are in the midst of the Big R, but, my net worth is definitely undergoing a small r recession. Ouch.

Most of the stagnation is due to my investment portfolio so there aren’t any real changes in my day-to-day. Currently I’m just working on re-building my emergency fund after some big spends over last semester then maxing out my RRSP contributions for this year.