Finance Review: December 2022

I spent so much that my savings rate was -29% this month. Yup, for the first time in my (working) life, my monthly spending was greater than my monthly income.

Spending Report: $8,866

The biggest expense: a treatment that costs about $5,000. Take care of your body, guys, it’s really the only one you’ve got until Google develops 5G brain chips that’ll let us upload to the cloud.

The next two large expenses in order: my final tuition payment! And a new winter coat. Tuition is tuition, I’m glad it’ll be my last one and I can then force people to call me Master Zheng. On the topic of the coat, the only issue with it was I bought it in London, where the coldest it got was -1, maybe. After 4 cold winters in China where it regularly gets to -5 or -10 it wasn’t enough anymore. I’m really happy with my purchase, very satisfied.

December came with two long weekends, one for Christmas and one for New Years so I did a lot of fun things. Most notably, I went to the hot springs 4 times this month since it was finally opening after covid restrictions were lifted and wow, soaking for hours with friends just chatting is great.

Net Worth Update: somehow made gains

I was honestly shocked that the slope of the graph was still up, ever so slightly, but definitely higher than last month.

I’ve been hearing news of recessions etc. etc. and still just gonna apply the same plan: invest regularly, and spend frugally 🙂

Stay warm this month, and I’ll see you in next month’s finance update!