Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you’ve had a good start to the year so far 🙂
I will keep this one very short because WOW this holiday season has been filled with many exciting changes.
Spendings Report: $3,051
Flew to visit my boyfriend in England so that was most of the leisure costs. I bought and brought loads of gifts for friends and family so that’s most of the costs under the Surprise category 🙂 Hilariously, the boyfriend and I got gifts for everyone except each other haha! It was funny realizing that on Christmas morning right before the family opened presents together.
I feel lucky and grateful to have had the holiday season I had, and thanks to working in China, there’s another 10-day holiday in 1.5 weeks! Huzzah! I will be visiting my younger aunt in my hometown, the plan is to eat and sleep. The cost of the tickets will be around $300 both ways and I’ll estimate another couple thousand on top for misc. fees and gifts, otherwise a fairly cheap trip. The only downside is it’s a 10hr train ride each way.
Net Worth Update: Rocky Road
It’s not as bad as it looks! While my boyfriend was in China he couldn’t pay for stuff so I paid for both of our expenses. We haven’t finished accounting for the separate expenses from China and England by the time of me writing this so there’s about $6000 extra to my net worth that’s not on this graph.
I wonder what this graph will look like in another 4 years, at the 10 year anniversary of this blog. How that big drop will look like in comparison to another few years of data.
Thank you for reading this far, apologies this is a short boring read. Next month I’ll have more time to write a better reflection on the state of my finances 🙂