As we head into winter, take care of yourselves. I always have a harder time in the colder darker months and must remind myself it’s worth the effort to crawl out from under my blankets. Spendings Report: $1,105 Would it be bad to admit I was surprised at how little I spent this month? About…
Finance Review: August 2021
Super short update, the new school year just started and I’m quite busy with that. I will eventually get around to doing 28 pictures for my 28th year birthday post…hopefully no more than a month late hahaha… Spendings Report: $2941 Tuition month, enough said. Net Worth Update In the $180ks woohoo! My goal for the…
Finance Review: July 2021
Business as usual even in quarantine. There’s been a surge of new cases in China, and Beijing has implemented quarantine protocol for anyone travelling in from certain areas. I returned from one of those, Zhangjiajie, and thus I’m now in a 14 day at-home quarantine. Not the original plan I had for my summer break…
Finance Review: June 2021
Reached my goal for this year* 2 months ahead of schedule! I still want to take a year off soon, unsure when but maybe when my master’s is done? It’ll be a really nice treat after subjecting myself to hours of extra math every night. Spendings Report: $901 After a few months of >$1000 spendings,…
Finance Review: May 2021
Uno Reverse on my savings vs. spendings rate this month…laughing but crying.jpg Taxes, a vacation, and having fun with friends conspired to wipe out 85% of my income this month. I don’t regret any of it, not even the taxes so take that, financial anxiety! Spendings Report: $3,387 Most of it was the taxes as…
The literal cost of friendship
Since I chose to stay in China when the pandemic first began, for a period of 8-months, 90% of my social circle was gone. Flight cancellations and changing re-entry rules for foreigners meant when we broke up for holidays in January 2020, it wouldn’t be until October 2020 that many of them came back to…
Finance Review: April 2021
Watch me fling myself off a wall then not fling myself off a wall. Spendings Report: $2,214 Pretty good month! If we ignore the tuition cost my spendings are a touch over $1k and I’m quite pleased about it. Bought a lot of clothes and clothing-related items this month. Item-wise, it was an even split…
Finance Review: March 2021
New hobby and new phone means new levels of emotional damage on my wallet. I continue this worrying trend of lifestyle inflation but I’m learning to let it go, or get better at repressing the guilt. Generally, still meeting my savings goals and finding a better work-life balance. The numbers say I’m fine but my…