Super short update, the new school year just started and I’m quite busy with that. I will eventually get around to doing 28 pictures for my 28th year birthday post…hopefully no more than a month late hahaha… Spendings Report: $2941 Tuition month, enough said. Net Worth Update In the $180ks woohoo! My goal for the…
All posts in Finance review
Finance Review: July 2021
Business as usual even in quarantine. There’s been a surge of new cases in China, and Beijing has implemented quarantine protocol for anyone travelling in from certain areas. I returned from one of those, Zhangjiajie, and thus I’m now in a 14 day at-home quarantine. Not the original plan I had for my summer break…
Finance Review: June 2021
Reached my goal for this year* 2 months ahead of schedule! I still want to take a year off soon, unsure when but maybe when my master’s is done? It’ll be a really nice treat after subjecting myself to hours of extra math every night. Spendings Report: $901 After a few months of >$1000 spendings,…
Finance Review: April 2021
Watch me fling myself off a wall then not fling myself off a wall. Spendings Report: $2,214 Pretty good month! If we ignore the tuition cost my spendings are a touch over $1k and I’m quite pleased about it. Bought a lot of clothes and clothing-related items this month. Item-wise, it was an even split…
Finance Review: February 2021
It’s the 2 year anniversary of when I first opened my TFSA and RRSP 🎉🎉 I planned to do a more comprehensive review and look at some interesting trends but life got busy. I’m now running math club this semester, lots of fun, lots of time needed. It’ll eventually come, just not for a while…
Lessons From 2 Years of Tracking My Net Worth (Finance Review January 2021)
Happy birthday to my TFSA and RRSP! It’s been 2 years since I’ve opened them and a couple of months shy of this blog’s birthday as well. Let’s combine both and talk about lessons I learned after 2 years of tracking and blogging about my net worth. First, the usual monthly review for January condensed…
Finance Review: December 2020
Happy new year everyone! May 2021 be the best year for all of us yet! In one month, it’ll be the 2-year anniversary of when I first opened a TFSA and RRSP, how nostalgic *sheds tear*. I’ll do a more comprehensive review of my finances for the past 2 years and see if there are…
Finance Review: November 2020
It’s been an exciting month, the American election, Covid19 vaccine news, I found a place to buy salted butter–you know, stuff that really impacts my day-to-day life as a Canadian in China. Spendings Report: $650.61 The biggest one-time purchase this month was $50 for a Secret Santa followed in a close second by last week’s…