Yup, things sure are happening. Spendings Report: $4,208 Taxes and tuition! In. The. Same. Month. So much pain. All else as usual. A few other major expenses in order: Tuition: just over $1,000 Taxes: just under $1,000 (in living expenses) Shipping gifts to friends, cheaper than flights, wish they were flights, $400 ish Hotel for…
All posts in Financial Health
Finance Review: March 2022
March is a nice and routine month. I’ve made new happy memories. And to be a bit melancholic, I’ve also learned some life lessons, some about money and some not. Spendings Report: $1,504 I eat out less but at more expensive places, also healthier which costs $$$. Recently I’ve noticed that I no longer consciously…
Finance Review: February 2022
One of my students said to me “Miss, we’re living through stuff that will be in the history books,” and, yeah. That’s all I’m gonna say about it. I do what I can on my end, and you do what you can on your end. Spendings Report: $2,221 Top 2 purchases this month in descending…
Finance Review: January 2022
Happy year of the Tiger! 2022 is an even-numbered year so it’s gonna be extra good 🙂 I’m writing this during my second week of winter break, and it is glorious! The first week my daily step counts were in the hundreds, centred within a 20m radius around my bed, hahaha! The second week I’m…
Finance Review: December 2021
Hello from 2022! Near the end of every year the last class will inevitably be filled with “see you next year, miss!” jokes and I love it every time, hahaha! Spendings Report: $2,112 What a nice palindrome number, 2112. What I’m most surprised by is that even with it being tuition month I only spent…
Finance Review: November 2021
Welcome, new readers! This month saw a spike in visitors to this site, yay! For new folks, keep your expectations low because 99% of my posts are just monthly finance reports. When my master’s is done, I’d like to film some video content because that’s what I like to watch so stay around on the…
Finance Review: October 2021
I made up for being frugal last month :] The coincidentally seasonally-themed pie chart of this month almost distracts you from the fact I spent double my monthly average. Spendings Report: $3,064 And they say retail therapy is cheaper than real therapy. Last month I said that a teacher was out recovering from surgery, that…
Finance Review: September 2021
As we head into winter, take care of yourselves. I always have a harder time in the colder darker months and must remind myself it’s worth the effort to crawl out from under my blankets. Spendings Report: $1,105 Would it be bad to admit I was surprised at how little I spent this month? About…