I used to do weekly wrapup posts but decided to keep the log for longer as the blog page was getting crowded. I’m also getting rid of Low Lights as part of my goal to reinforce positive thinking. When negative things pop up, I address them in the moment and move on. In the spirit of keeping things simple, I just list all the good things that have happened this month in point form. Feel free to skip to the picture highlights below.
After doing this for a month I find that every time I edit this post with more positives I get to see all the good things again and get a mood boost. I have also noticed that I increasingly keep an eye out for positives to add. Previously I would brush off nice things as “oh that’s not a big deal” but I’ve changed my stance. ANYTHING good is a cause for celebration and adding things to this list has been very fun.
High Lights
- Cooking club is still amazing, getting a better hang of things and optimizing recipes for time.
- Time management is still increasingly good
- VPN was down for 5 days and it showed me how productive I can be without social media.
- Captain Marvel came out in China. GO SEE IT. Insecure males are butthurt and it only adds to my joy.
- Finally saw Into the Spiderverse and WOW. It is a beautiful work of art.
- Fasting until lunch has been really good for my energy levels in the mornings, now to focus on getting in a workout before school as well.
- School finalized a pay raise!
- Got some silly side-projects to work on and it’s a nice break from being productive all the time.
- Registered an official blog name and transferred over all content from Blogspot 😀 so exciting!
- Learning Excel for fun. I’ve started using it more since I started teaching to track progress across my classes and really getting into it. Thinking of designing a better mark tracker than the current software I’m using.
- A colleague had a spare yoga mat so I’ve been using it to do some light exercise in the mornings. I’ve definitely noticed an increase in my energy levels.
- St. Patrick’s day party at a colleague’s place! I work with the best people.
- Decorated my classroom and WOW, I feel amazing when I walk in there every morning.
- Travel insurance reimbursed me $350 for my knee injury, yay!
- Getting good feedback about the blog and I’m really happy other people are benefitting 🙂
- Net worth broke over $30k and on track for hitting the $50k goal by September.
- Wrote my student comments early this time to save me some stress
- School inspection was switched from in-person to over Skype, phew!
- New shampoo doing wonders for my poor dry hair.
- University acceptances have started rolling in and it makes me super happy to see the kids happy
- Made my first blog comment over at A Purple Life and she’s so lovely!
These kids have never had potato wedges before?? Spicy chicken flavoured oreos. Wow. Sunset from the balcony of the St. Patty’s day party Decorated my class 🙂 Sandwich a kid made for their friend. Spring is here! “Daily Nuts” hehe “Integrated Nuts” ha! Nachos! Pita bread!
Feature image: students ranking other students’ spaghetti and meatballs. This was done in math class using categories like “roundness of meatballs” and “spice index”. This turned into an impromptu lesson on weighted averages and using that to calculate the dish’s overall mark. What a time to be alive.
Was just reading this and thought “hold on – that’s MY name!” LOL. Sounds like an awesome month with a lot of growth – Congratulations!
The surprising find was I thought March was just a so-so month but then I looked at this! “Meeting” you was definitely a high light 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!