April flowers

Self-improvement projects for April

The days are longer, the sun is up before I am, and life is getting even better. I have a few self-improvement projects I have started half-way in March but want to properly track them in April. Here they are in no particular order:

Track every penny

I don’t use a budget right now because 1) the cost of living is so low in China, and 2) I’m at the point where frugality is a habit. However, I know I’m not perfect and a few dollars here or there can add up rather quickly. So for the Month of April, I’m going to track every penny I spend and see if I can make some improvements. This will be particularly interesting since I will be back in Canada for August where the cost of living is much higher.

Broad categories:

  • Groceries: food I cook myself, including snacks
  • Eating out: take-out, restaurants, and convenience food
  • Leisure: books, movies, trips, anything that counts as entertainment
  • Health/Hygiene: meds, toothpaste, pads, etc. etc.
  • Clothing: self-explanatory

You’ll notice there’s no rent, utilities, insurance, internet, cellphone, or transportation costs. That’s because the school pays for them 😀
Well, not the cellphone bill, that’s $7. I’m going to tack that onto leisure because it doesn’t really fit anywhere else.

I’m thinking somewhere around $200-300CAD, taking bets on if you think it’ll be closer to $200 or closer to $300 😉

Daily food log

I’m not tracking the food I eat as much as I’m tracking the instances of food consumption. The goal for this is to cut down on how many times I snack throughout the day and to decrease the number of processed foods I consume. I started the log back in March and I’ve noticed I’m definitely more mindful about how many times I reach for a snack and what the type of snack is.

I’ve tried to fast through until lunch but currently would still eat some small snacks around 10:30. Not eating breakfast has increased my mental awareness in the mornings, to my (un)surprise. I think I can aim for lunch if I remember to drink more water and sleep more. I definitely notice that I eat more when I’m dehydrated/tired.

Stretch goal: eat no processed snacks for the entire month of April 😀
If I don’t buy it, I can’t eat it is gonna be my mantra.

Morning exercise

I’ve been working out in the mornings before work for 2 weeks already so just aiming to continue. I really enjoy the routine and the calm start to the day even waking up 10min earlier provides me. Some days are better than others but even on the worst days I still put on exercise clothes and stretch for 5 minutes. The focus here is not how much I do, but that I’m committing to the process and committing to building the habit.

So there you have it, my three mini self-improvement projects for April. What do you think? Do you have any goals for the month of April?


  1. Congrats on your goals! It’s hard to get going in the AM and work-out – so I applaud you. I’ve been trying to cut back on eating extra food during the day. Has taken awhile to not just grab at whatever – but am hoping for better energy and to lose a bit of the belly (too much sitting!). My best to you.

    1. Oh man, I get you on the sitting! I’m a huge boredom eater so training myself to reach for tea instead of snacks haha.
      Glad to have your support and thanks for dropping by!

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