Finance Review: July 2023

I’m finally back in Canada! I’ve just been spending 90% of my time at home with my parents and grandparents making up for the last 4 years of covid, the other 10% is climbing with my friends here 🙂

Spendings Report: $6,146

The biggest single cost was the $2300 roundtrip tickets from China to Canada in the transport category. Due to a slight delay in the first flight, my travel time changed from 24hrs to 34hrs so it was less than pleasant. It used to be 13hrs however one can no longer get direct flights for various reasons.

The second largest group of costs are those from moving. I hired movers, cleaners, and repairmen to fix things, and bought furniture that I was missing. One funny bit was I forgot my previous workplace provided me with all the bedding so I had no pillows my first night in the new apartment. I still don’t have a duvet, currently using some large blankets until I have time to go to IKEA and get everything else sorted. The kitchen is still a mess, everything is just kinda in random bits of cabinets and will probably remain that way for another month. I don’t plan to do a lot of cooking outside of salads and sandwiches until I get settled into the new flow of things.

Leisure spending wise is about $600 from various things in Canada, eating out, buying a new pair of climbing shoes, the gym pass etc. I’m not going out much except on family trips in order to prioritize spending my time with them I’m happy to see my Dad using the table saw my sister and I got him as a birthday present. They’re getting older and seeing them reminds me of why I’m working on my goal of becoming FI.

The spending this month is high in total but very worth it. I’m grateful and recognize the privilege that enables me to have these things in my life.

Net Worth Update: it’s positive!

I’m pretty darn impressed I managed to save anything this month between all the costs associated with moving and the flights. For the last two months, I have been working overtime to save up some extra cash for the expected expenses this month. I’m happy to report that it paid off as a nice buffer. Since I changed jobs I’m not receiving my full pay in August so that was something I wanted to prepare for in advance as well.

There’s likely going to be another $500-$1000 or so before I finish everything for the new apartment, some things on the list:

  • Bedding for the master bed and the guest bed
  • Carpets and rugs
  • Fix the leaky shower
  • Wall decor
  • Oven and microwave

Slow lazy month, flights aside, hope you guys are also enjoying your summer 🙂