It’s final, I’ve signed the contract with the new school and I’m moving on! I alluded to my job change when I talked about how I only spend $350 a month living in China. I didn’t mention the financial cost of that decision so let’s take a look at what made taking a pay cut…
All posts in Personal
The month in review: April 2019
April has been a heck of a month filled with activity after activity. It brought with it a lot of change and challenges. It was as if life took the saying of “April Showers” a little too seriously and decided to squeeze in a year’s worth of waterworks into 2 weeks. BUT! I persevered and…
Rome, Italy
Self-improvement projects for April
The days are longer, the sun is up before I am, and life is getting even better. I have a few self-improvement projects I have started half-way in March but want to properly track them in April. Here they are in no particular order: Track every penny I don’t use a budget right now because…
The month in review: March 2019
I used to do weekly wrapup posts but decided to keep the log for longer as the blog page was getting crowded. I’m also getting rid of Low Lights as part of my goal to reinforce positive thinking. When negative things pop up, I address them in the moment and move on. In the spirit…
How I save $4k per month teaching
In order to retire in 10 years, I will need to put away roughly $4,000 every month. I would need a monthly gross salary of $7500 if I lived in Toronto, which leaves me $4k after living expenses and taxes. In China, I have a gross monthly salary of $6100. The incredibly low cost of…
I’m going to retire at 35.
You know the question “what would you do if you didn’t have to worry about money?” I want to find the answer to that while I’m young and able to act on it. I’m not aiming for the traditional idea of an idle retirement. I’m envisioning more of retirement from mandatory work into elective work. It’s being financially…